Cha Cha and the Forest of Wisdom: The Art of Wealth Man ...

ISBN 9780199402946
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  • Rs.116.00
  • Regular price Rs.128.00

Cha Cha and the Forest of Wisdom: The Art of Wealth Management Quin SQ Thong and Malik Mirza Cha Cha and the Forest of Wisdom is written for children who are old enough to learn about money and how to manage this resource. This book helps them understand the true meaning of wealth and how to appreciate its value in life through the principles of wealth management. The children’s guide is Cha Cha, a panda living in the Forest of Wisdom, who makes the process fun by telling little stories to illustrate his points and show the young ones that no one is too young to learn how to save and when to use their allowance. You can write reviews here from admin or upload pictures Click Here.