Written by well-respected authors, the Cambridge Checkpoint Mathematics suite provides a comprehensive structured resource which covers the full Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics framework in three stages. This Checkpoint Mathematics Skills Builder Workbook 9 provides tailored exercises that offer targeted support to help students reinforce key skills and build confidence when performing mathematical operations. The workbook provides clear re-entry points at the end of each exercise to guide students back to the coursebook. Contents 1. Integers, powers and roots; 2. Sequences and functions; 3. Place value, ordering and rounding; 4. Length, mass, capacity and time; 5. Shapes; 6. Planning and collecting data; 7. Fractions; 8. Constructions and Pythagoras’ theorem; 9. Expressions and formulae; 10. Processing and presenting data; 11. Percentages; 12. Tesesllations, transformations and loci; 13. Equations and inequalities; 14. Ratio and proportion; 15. Area, perimeter and volume; 16. Proba