Broadway Workbook 7 [IS]

ISBN 9780199061976
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  • Rs.614.00
  • Regular price Rs.645.00

Broadway is a complete course in English. Based on sound language learning principles, it is designed to cater for the learners’ linguistic and communicative needs. The texts are carefully graded, and both simple and challenging tasks have been included for use in mixed-ability classes. An attractive layout and colourful illustrations add to the visual appeal of the package.
Key Features:

Two child-friendly and absorbing Primers form the bedrock of this multi-skill course
The Coursebook provides a rich reading experience through a medley of stories, poems, folktales, fables, plays, interviews, biographies, and autobiographical texts
The Literature Reader is an essential supplement to the Coursebook, designed to chisel the learners’ interpretative skills and to provide them a rich literary experience
The Workbook is a vital resource for users of Broadway, with three functions: a curricular complement to the Course book, a language practice book, and an examination aid
The Teaching Guides provides the teacher with crisp notes on the pedagogical aspects of the course, a key to the exercises in the Coursebook, Workbook, and Literature Reader; and innovative teaching aids
The CDs include audio material for listening tasks given in the Coursebooks, Workbooks, and the poems from the Literature Readers