ISBN 9783319559001
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No similar book dealing with this subject Recognized experience in this field Presented as a technical atlas High-quality pictures (from HDTV camera system) The first version of this atlas was released as video-assisted major pulmonary resections were just emerging as a valid alternative to conventional techniques.  In this second edition, many different techniques have been described, depending on the use or non-use of an accessory mini-thoracotomy and on the use or non-use of endoscopic instrumentation and video display. One of these techniques is the endoscopic approach, in which only endoscopic instruments and monitor control are used. This is the technique that will be described in this atlas. The purpose of this atlas is to describe each endoscopic pulmonary lobectomy and segmentectomy step by step, relying on brief technical notes and high-quality still pictures which are orientated and labeled to make them as comprehensible as possible.