TIMES 1000 WORD DICTIONARY has been compiled to make learning both stimulating and fun for children. This is important for children of primary school age in whom an eagerness to learn and discover can be so readily instilled.All the entries are based on wordlists of the major test books used in the lower primary schools. Meanings of all entries are shown in ordinary sentence form with illustrations in full color for further clarification.The entry is printed in bold type. The pronunciation of each entry is shown using symbols from the International Alphabet. Where there are different meanings for one word, these are shown in separate sentences.Certain words have been grouped under one entry e.g. building: school, house, shop, cinema, fire station, and factoryMachine: vacuum cleaner, iron, scanner. Computer, bulldozer, toaster, sewing machine shape: circle, rectangle, square, triangle, coneTree: pine, willow, mango, palmAt the end of the dictionary, face supplements are covering.