Paramount Books introduces a new set of science textbooks, Science Ahead-An Investigative Approach for levels 4 and 5 based on Single National Curriculum 2020- One Nation, One Curriculum.
Keeping up with the global trends, these textbooks have been designed with great care to encourage and inspire young minds and promote inquiry-based learning. Integrating age-appropriate standards, benchmarks, and Student Learning Outcomes for each level, these textbooks include a systematic progression for all topics that ensure a solid foundation in science for secondary-level education.
Science Ahead-An Investigative Approach Books 4 and 5:
•Bridge the gap between theoretical and practical applications in the branches of science through experiential and interactive projects
•Include brain-teasers strategically placed in all units, e.g., Trigger questions, ‘Investigate’ segments, and more, to inculcate age-appropriate critical thinking in students
•Incorporate vocabulary and science terminologie