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Mehmud Ali Federal Minister, Cabinet Division “Scion of a highly enlightened Muslim family of South Asia, Dr Samiullah Koreshi, has described in human terms the basic factors that ingrained into Muslim mind the two nation theory, which formed the basis of a Muslim majority state and a Hindu majority state. As a diplomat Dr Koreshi served his nation to the best of his ability, in accordance with the Quaid-e-Azam’s vision of Pakistan. The book deserves wider circulation.” General Mirza Aslam Beg Former Chief of Army Staff Chairman, Foundation for Research on International Environment, National Develompment & Security. “Dr Koreshi, an illustrious diplomat, an objective analyst of national and international scene, has narrated, in a very lucid manner, the problems that our diplomacy faced over the decades. It is a very incisive account of the ‘Roots’ that were the determinats of the emergence of Pakistan and the trauma that we faced. I consider this book a must for all readers of our dipl