Tasveeri Kahani Silsila: Adib ul Hasan Rizvi [IP]

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Tasveeri Kahani Silsila: Adib ul Hasan Rizvi Shahbano Bilgrami This graphic story covers the life of renowned Pakistani philanthropist and founder of the Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation (SIUT), Dr Adib Rizvi. It captures his inspirational life including his humanitarian services, contributions to the field of medicine, and his pioneering work in organ transplant surgery. An intriguing and influential read for children. Author Description Shahbano Bilgrami is a writer, poet, and editor who lives in Corning, New York, with her husband and her own dakoo-busting, pirate-hustling, real-life superhero-daughters, Daloo, Anni, and Coco Mai. -