My Little Atlas [IS]

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My Little Atlas Fifth Edition Fazle Karim Khan The fifth edition of My Little Atlas offers a fresh layout, making it an exciting new addition to primary school classrooms. It invites young learners to embark on a fascinating journey around the world. My Little Atlas contains: an introduction to very basic mapreading skills full-colour updated maps of Pakistan and the world an interesting activity section that reinforces the concepts introduced in the atlas teacher’s notes that provide valuable advice on how to develop mapreading skills in young learners This edition is supported by colourful illustrations, photographs, interesting facts about map features, and worksheets. It continues to be ideal for use in the home as well as in pre-primary and primary schools (Classes 1 and 2). My Little Atlas links with the Oxford Atlas Project for Pakistan for the remaining primary classes. Oxford School Atlas for Pakistan (Fifth Edition) is recommended for secondary and higher classes. You can write reviews here from admin or upload pictures.